Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Big Arm Upper Workout | BodyBuilding Today .com

Welcome to the Big Arm Upper Workout! Today you will be exposed to a training protocol which will deliver some growth to any set of arms, no matter how long you have been training. It is designed to take you back to your training roots – big, bad and heavy – with plenty of resources available for growth and recovery. Are you ready to begin?

Start by taking a week off of your current training system. Whatever you’ve been doing – stop. Give your body a full week outside of the gym to repair and recover from the months or years of continuous training. No cardio, either! Your central nervous system will recover, and your body will be primed for growth. Once you’re ready for the gym, you should be training with the realization that arms are what matters most on this training month. Don’t go overboard on your leg, back or chest training days. There will be plenty of time to hit these groups adequately once you’ve added some mass to your upper arms. Rest and recovery is crucial, and training to failure on every training day will limit these resources.

This training session begins with triceps, as they are the three-headed muscle group that makes up the majority of beef on the upper arms. Skull-crushers should start your day, as they are a heavy, brutally honest way to recruit a high level of muscle fibers in the arm upper. Complete five sets of 6 to 10 repetitions. From there, move on to machine or parallel bar dips. Use chains attached to your weight belt to require your triceps to move the heavy weight or only 6 to 8 reps per set. Finish off your triceps with a solid ten minutes of triceps cable pressdowns, with as many reps as you can squeeze into this time period.

Biceps follow triceps, and the training is equally heavy, intense and brutal. Start with standing alternate dumbbell curls, then move on to the standing variety with the barbell. When you’re ready to take a seat, make it at the preacher bench, where you should be using an EZ-curl bar. Every exercise should be 5 sets of 6 to 10 repetitions. End your Big Arm workout with ten solid minutes of cable curls for biceps with as much weight as possible.

Don’t forget to hit forearms, either at the end of this training upper body session or at the end of back or shoulder day earlier in the week. Four sets of wrist curls, followed with 4 to 6 sets of Zottman (Hammer) Dumbbell curls will give your forearms more than adequate stimulation for growth. Any big arm upper workout will include forearms, as they are in fact one-third of your entire arm!

The Big Arm Workout won’t work without proper diet and rest. You should be consuming 300 to 350 grams of protein per day, and 400 or more grams if you are using chemical means of assistance. Sleep 8 to 9 hours per night, with 45 to 60 minutes daily being dedicated to resting or napping. Above all, keep your mental focus on one thing, and one thing alone – big arms!

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